
Modern Technology House provides a distinguished set of programs, for the benefit of its customers

AlAmeen Human Resorce

Personnel, Payroll and Attendance Management

It is very easy to define and edit your organizational chart, and taking reports and statistics depending on it such as: companies, branches, departments, etc.

The system can easily be linked to wide range kinds of electronic time clock machines.

The system enables to specify various time tracking criteria for different purposes, and to specify “free timing” attendance system. With the ability to schedule work shifts.

The system can generate and deal with successive or changing attendance shifts with many varieties. With the ability to temporarily move shifts according to seasonal or unexpected circumstances.

The system enables to specify time allowances for delays. And to specify roles for penalties and delay frequencies. On the other hand, it gives full control on overtime and overtime assignment.

The system gives the authority to audit attendance times generated from the machines, along with manual entry of attendances.

Vacancies’ genders are easy to specify and assign according to various criteria such as organizational levels or years of experience within the entity, etc. and there is an ability to control how it is granted.

Missions and travel allowances can be assigned and controlled for their bonuses and expenses.

Employee data and documents can be classified and electronically archived, along with all the data generated within the system for that employee.

The system can specify many payroll calculating methods and for various time spans such as monthly, weekly, even hourly, taking on consideration tax, fees, social security, prepayments, attendances, compensations, absentee, loans, and all other data stored for that period.

All kinds of monetary compensations can be easily handled within the system as per the operational and legal needs.

Payroll schedule can be generated according to many dimensions and forms according to the organizational structure segments wished

The system deals with employee incentives based on points system.

The system track, allocate, amortize, and discount prepayments instalments on a weekly monthly or hourly basis, and can be linked with the accounting data for audit and consolidation.
